- PT Tech Assistants – Hiring for Summer & Fall 2023 (and beyond)
- PT or FT Scooter Technician
- August Seasonal Help: We prefer people with scooter riding experience! You will be teaching others how to ride their new scooters and helping around the shop! 🙂
Where do you guys [NS4L] start when trying to fill a position?
We always hire from within the company first [especially for positions where promotions are available]. With several positions, especially part-time positions, we send out a newsletter to our customers giving them the first opportunity to apply. We have always been asked why we do this… Customers know us! They have been on ‘the other side’ and can recall what their customer experience with NS4L was like and in turn, know exactly what kind of customer service we expect from them as employees. It also makes training easier because customers typically already know our other team members, the layout of the store, and more!
Is there anything in particular that you look for?
Of course! We hire for attitude first! We want team members that are personable and will connect well with our customers! We want to make sure applicants are a cultural fit. We will have you fill out an online questionnaire and if we like what we see, we will invite you in for a one-on-one or group interview. In most cases, we invite applicants in for a trial period to ensure they are a right fit before permanently hiring him/her on the team. We are truly a family and want to ensure that the applicant will have no problem becoming a part of this family.
For part-time positions, is NS4L flexible with scheduling?
We LOVE our part-time workers and are very flexible. We have an online scheduling application so you can request time off from your phone and schedule around your classes if applicable. During the busy season, we reach an ‘all hands on deck’ status. Essentially, we are so busy that if you are not at school, we expect you at work! 🙂
Is it true that if you are late, you have to bring breakfast?
Yep! One day Michael Dees showed up late to a Service Training. Collin’s number one pet peeve is tardiness, especially when it is for a team meeting or training. Mike knew this and since he was late, he showed up to the training with lots of breakfast food. It was hard to be angry because Mike obviously spent quite a bit of money on breakfast food and that was probably punishment enough, so from that day, Core Value #12 was created, “If you are late, you better bring breakfast!” Yes… We take this SERIOUSLY.
Do you guys offer internships?
Yes! We have students who intern in order to gain experience working where their degree specializes [i.e. Marketing, Social Media, etc.]. Email Collin if would like to meet about internship opportunities!